Turning Inwards: A Journey Into Yin Yoga

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, 12 January 19
The Yoga Room


Unit 5, Market Yard


We live in a very ‘yang’ society, where the pace of life is fast and unforgiving – energy is high and often frantic. How often do you get to stop completely? Yin Yoga is the perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of modern day living, as it teaches us to take time, go slow and look inwards.

Join Alice for this 2-hour journey into Yin yoga where you will explore mindfulness & meditation; breathing exercises to calm and regulate the nervous system; and Yin yoga postures that will target the deeper layers of facia that your dynamic practice won’t access, creating space in body and assisting the flow of prana (Qi / life force / energy). Expect deep release, both physical and emotional, providing space for all that life has to offer in 2019!

A little more about Yin: In Yin the postures are held for 5 minutes, or longer, using props to help support the body in relaxation. By holding the postures for an extended period, yin targets the facia (the inter-web of connective tissue in the body that encapsulates and supports every muscle and organ) and enables the release of physical tension on a much deeper level. Circulation to the joints is also increased, and energy channels (Nadis/meridians) are stimulated and unblocked. Aside from the physical and energetic benefits, yin provides the perfect gateway into meditation by encouraging you to stay still and aware of the sensations that arise in the body moment by moment.

£20 Early Bird
£25 General

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